This is why our schools are starting 2 hours late tomorrow.

Edit (Friday Morning, 7:30am): Schools were in fact, cancelled completely today. Don’t mess with Texas, indeed.


Whoever coined the term “Don’t mess with Texas” obviously wasn’t referring to our ability to cope with a little bit of cold.

Practically speaking: My B-day students in AP Stat took a big test today… that A-day can no longer take tomorrow due to the shortened schedule.1

A younger version of me would have been a little peeved to have to push a test back and fall behind schedule… but this year’s version of me is just looking forward to sleeping in a little more. 2

  1. yes, my B-day students are ahead of my A-day students, as happens every 2nd semester. I do that intentionally just to mix things up. My B-day students get so whiny about it, it’s almost amusing… []
  2. Perhaps we’ll toss some globes tomorrow~ []