N.Y. Times: ‘The Interview’ Brings in $15 Million on Web
The following excerpt elicited a sharp “sigh” and a “c’mon man” from yours truly:
Sony did not say how much of that total represented $6 digital rentals versus $15 sales. The studio said there were about two million transactions over all.
As a former Algebra II teacher I couldn’t help but groan.
But it’s not because I think that we’re getting stupider and stupider.
It’s because the type of stuff — such as this, be it on rare occasion — that might actually be useful in real life is the type of stuff that we don’t bother teaching enough of in the classroom.
In any case:
Let “x” represent number of online rentals, and “y” represent number of online sales.
x + y = 2 million
6x + 15y = 15 million
(I know a handful of Algebra teachers that’ll be available for before or after-school tutorials next week if you need help finishing the rest…)