Monday, September 9, 2013

The first wave of stat exams

I just finished grading the first set of group quizzes of the year in AP Stat. 1

The first set of major exams will start tomorrow. Toss in our Open House on Wednesday night into the mix, and this is why the upcoming Friday will only be matched in relief and joy by May 9 (the Friday of our AP Exam).

(this is only half a stack)
(this is only half a stack)

Ten times this upcoming year, I will go through this group quiz / major test grading run — that’s twice each six weeks until SW6, when we review for the AP exam.

The experience is about 50 percent enjoyable and 50 percent pain.

Or maybe it’s 20 percent fun and 80 percent pain. It depends.

  1. which I decided to graded individually this time, contrary to SOP. []